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Geri Noren Armstrong

Posted on the 2023-09-30 at 15:07
Correction: Noisy not nosy!

Geri Noren Armstrong

Posted on the 2023-09-30 at 15:04
I will add to the memories of the Atlantic City Band Trip in the Summer of 1970. In reference to the student who went missing during our day-long New York City tour, I will agree with Judy that Mr. Bjorklund literally turned gray over night. Because the student was missing from sometime during the afternoon of our New York City tour until the following morning when he turned up in our University of Delaware dorms. The bus with the youngest kids (which was us and included the missing student) stayed in New York City while the other two buses returned to the dorms we were staying at. By that time, a missing persons report was filed with the NYPD. The police wanted to talk to a few students who knew the missing one. For some reason, Mr. Bjorklund picked me as one of the students. I didn't really know him; he was something of a loner. In any event, being in this very busy New York City police precinct at 11 or 12 at night was surreal, like something out of a movie or tv show. It was very busy and nosy with cigarette smoke in the air. The detective asked us some questions (at his desk, as I recall) and I answered as honestly and as best as I could without really knowing the person! He was taking the case seriously but reassured us that usually the person did turn up. When we got back to the dorms, it was totally buzzing - at least the girls' dorm. It seemed like everyone was speculating and many were ready to consider him possibly dead. I found it a little too melodramatic for my taste and decided to go to bed!

Ginny Klein

Posted on the 2023-09-07 at 11:40
I will never forget that Atlantic City marching band trip. I was on the bus that stayed way into the night in New York City, near Times Square, I believe, in sweltering heat. Thank God everything turned out all right! I went on a similar trip to New York City and Washington DC as a chaperone with my daughter. Fun memories!

David M Zander

Posted on the 2023-04-12 at 12:34
We all remember Mr. Miller, Earth Science. Deep voice, young, a tad sarcastic. The phenomenon of "hillside creep" is a term dealing with water-saturated hillsides "creeping" downhill because of gravity. On the quiz, instead of defining the term, I drew a picture of a cranky, perverted-looking dude hanging out on a hillside...and he gave me an "A"!

Judy Lykins

Posted on the 2023-03-09 at 18:24

Summer 1970 after 9th grade. The SAV Marching Band was chosen to march in the International Lions Club Parade in Atlantic City on the 4th of July. We sold lightbulbs to everyone who would buy some to raise money. We rode on buses and visited New York, Washington DC and stayed at the University of Delaware in Newark. We had a buddy system so we wouldn't get lost while loose in New York; but there was one missing-student "incident." To most of us on that particular bus where it occurred, the incident has become band-lore. ;) Mr. Bjorklund went gray overnight.

Rick Wall

Posted on the 2023-02-18 at 15:33

Junior Senior egg fight. When everyone was at the park and the Police were on the top of the hill telling us to disperse. Suddenly, everyone launched an egg at them. All you could see is white eggs on a black sky heading towards the squad cars. The Officers dove into their cars so not to get hit with eggs. Then we dispersed very very quickly.