Classmate Profiles

Instructions:  Hello, Classmate! Our once-in-a-lifetime GOLDEN class reunion is coming soon, and your classmates hope to see you in August! Even if you aren't able to join us, please share below about your after-high school life (~350 words), favorite high school memory/ies, and include a current photo of just you, with your face and hair - or lack thereof. And although your contact information won't be visible on this website, your classmates can contact you via email by clicking on "send [name] a message" link at the bottom of each classmate's profile. Enjoy reading the profiles!

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David Abraham

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: NY
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Scientist
Highlights of your last 50 years:
After AHS, I studied physics at U of Iowa (where I worked for James Van Allen on the Hawkeye I geocentric satellite, and my first exposure to computing). After graduation I went to Harvard in the physics department and did a PhD in superconductivity (working on materials at liquid helium temperatures). Following graduation I took a post-doc in Berkeley and switched fields to build atomic resolution near-field microscopes. This served as an entree to a position at IBM Research in New York. I've been there ever since, but have had the good fortune to change fields several times, while remaining in the same location. Starting with near-field microscopy (nanoscale imaging of thermal, electrical, magnetic and structural properties), I moved to cutting edge disk drive technologies, then worked on an all-magnetic solid-state storage chip called MRAM and in what I think is my final act, I'm now the principal research scientist leading a talented team developing the new technologies that are enabling new generations of quantum computers. It's odd to come full circle from grad school back to low temperature physics and gratifying how my education has allowed me to be so flexible throughout my career!

I met my wife Carol while we both were windsurfing in Aruba. She is a veterinarian and was working a couple of hours away (but at least still in the New York area), and we got married in 1998. We have since raised two wonderful kids - William and Allison, both of whom are still in college (data science and illustration, respectively). We're quasi-empty-nesters and are now considering the next steps. I'm still working although eyeing retirement in the near future, and plotting what the next stage might hold!
Last edited: 2024-02-18 14:08:14

Andy Abrahamsen

Now photo
Marital status: Committed Relationship Children: 2
Occupation: Warehouse
Highlights of your last 50 years:
After high school I went to work for the Memorial Union for a couple years. Then decided to Drive for Allied Van Lines; that was a great job! I drove coast to coast, I’ve been to every state in the U.S. except Alaska and Hawaii…it’s hard to drive to these two states. It was like a working vacation, I got to see beautiful places and experienced a lot of cool things! In 1980, I was headed to Spokane, Washington when Mount St. Helens erupted…I spent a week in Idaho waiting for the volcanic ashes to clear enough to continue my drive. If I would have known what those little pill bottles filled with volcanic ash were selling for, I would have filled my trailer full of volcanic ash and retired! I met Leslea, we have two children and five grandchildren, we’ve have been together for 43years. In the last 43 years I’ve worked in the manufacturing business and still enjoy working today.
Last edited: 2024-03-24 08:12:41

Beth Agard Arends (Agard)

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: OR
Marital status: Single again Children: 3
Occupation: Industrial Engineering/ Cryogenics research
Highlights of your last 50 years:
I've lived in Oregon 37 years; raised (and homeschooled) 3 wonderful children, on a fun little acreage, now have 5 delightful grandchildren. Since covid I work for an engineering company, mostly in cryogenics, & travel to the Midwest and around the country several times a year doing projects for manufacturers such as John Deere, for hospitals, resorts, steel mills. Previously in ministry and academics, I worked with OSU international grad students and scholars; appreciated visiting some in their lands--like going into the DMZ tunnels between North and South Korea, during a very tense incident that occurred. Also seeing Israel, and the former Soviet bloc.
Share a high school memory:
Endless late school nights working on the Spirit--using a typewriter, of course!
And writing stories for the Web. Playing Nurz with friends; our junior trip to Washington, DC. Dreading swim class! Having my brother for my Drivers Ed teacher. Appreciating Mrs. Bauske, Mr. Carlson, Ms Pedolski so much, and other caring teachers, too.
Last edited: 2024-04-10 11:07:00

Gary Albertson

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: CA
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Highlights of your last 50 years:
1974 - 1981 - ISU, changed majors mid-way, graduated from ISU with a BS in Civil Engineering.
1981- moved to Newport Beach CA, worked for Fluor Engineering. Enjoyed So. California beach life!
1984 - moved to SF Bay area, (better cultural fit for me) worked for Gen. Engineering Contractor.
1988 - Engineering Design & Construction Engineering Services.
1993 - Married Sally (gourmet chef, wonderful wife & mom!), moved to Davis CA.
1994 - Started my own Construction Management Consulting firm (Project Management Applications. Inc.), mostly love being self-employed.
1994 - First daughter, Sara. University of Kentucky - Animal Science major. Passionate about animals, especially dogs! Look for her at Westminster some day! Married Jarrett 2022, Lawyer for Sacramento County.
1997 - Second daughter, Emily. University of Washington - Business major, could be President one day! Will marry Ryan on 9/1/24 Business consultants in SF.
2002 - Third daughter, Julia - Graduates this year from University of Oregon - Biology. Much smarter than her dad! World traveler, Very Fun!
Present - Still live in Davis (college town, very similar to Ames). Love N. Ca. weather and outdoor activities. Could do without all the people, high taxes and whacky politics, but otherwise loving life!
Share a high school memory:
Growing up in Ames, my dad was a math teacher at Ames High before his premature death in 1967. I joined him when he earned extra money working at ISU and High School athletic events making me a passionate fan! I knew all the players and they knew me. Winning the State High School basketball championship our Junior year was a dream come true for me!
Mike Gardner, Randy Crom and I were like the 3 musketeers. Great friends, Great times, Great memories!
Last edited: 2024-02-18 13:07:06

Mark Allen (Allen)

Then photo
State / Province: MO
Marital status: Single Children: 2
Occupation: Management Consultant
Highlights of your last 50 years:
Graduated from KU in Finance
Married college girlfriend...we both moved on after 35 years
Started a family...two including four grandkids and two dogs.
Started a business...sold it. Started another...sold it.
Started a third business...kept it. lol
Teach entrepreneurship around two thousand students so far.
Split time between Kansas City, Atlanta and Cabo San Lucas
Mentor youth on life and growing up.
Love my family and my friends.
Looking for love in all the wrong places. HA
Share a high school memory:
Tom Jorgensen's home room was a trip every morning.
Last edited: 2024-02-12 15:32:04

Susan Allen (Larson)

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: FL
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Retired
Highlights of your last 50 years:
I went straight to college and then to grad school on a grad teaching assistantship. I taught classes and helped coach swimming. The first position I took after grad school was the head swimming coach at Texas Tech University. I did that for two years and stopped, due to all the travel involved, when I got married. We had our daughter and I was mostly a stay-at-home mom with some part-time work. It wasn’t long before I was single again. I took a position at a pre-school in Dallas where my daughter was able to attend it with me. Just before she went to Kindergarten, Megan and I moved to Florida to be near family.

In Florida, I taught in the school system. I started off teaching P.E. and then changed to working in the pre-K program for “at-risk” children. My responsibilities included parent involvement and parent education. I taught swimming in the summers. I eventually changed careers and became a financial planner, specializing in working with educators. Working with people on a one-on-one basis was my favorite thing. I was able to do that as both a swimming teacher and as a financial advisor.

I met my husband, Buddy, in Florida. We’ve been happily married for 26 years. We traveled extensively pre-Covid. Some of my favorite traveling experiences were exploring the Isle of Skye (Scotland): tandem para-gliding in the French alps; walking inside a glacier in Switzerland; watching the tide come in at sunset in Mont St. Michel (off the coast of France); and spending a day photographing the lavender fields in Provence. Pre-Covid we took family trips to Norway one year and France another year. We have so many great memories (and photos) of travels with family and friends!

The biggest highlights of my life have been being a parent and grandparent, along with my husband. We love our roles as “Nana” and “Bapa” to our six-year-old grandson, Ansel. We spend our time between Florida and New Hampshire. Eventually we will likely just be in New Hampshire, as Megan and her husband live nearby in Vermont with our grandson and grand-dog.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with friends and family, learning to play the cello, learning more about my photography hobby, watching the flowers bloom in our NH backyard, volunteering with the Bradford (NH) Historical Society, and playing with our dog, Rosie. Currently, our only travelling is between Florida and New Hampshire. So, unfortunately, I will not be at the reunion. I will miss seeing everyone and thank those who are putting so much work into making it a success.

My over-riding thoughts are that I have been blessed beyond measure. Ames was a great place to grow-up. I’ll always cherish my wonderful memories and appreciate all the benefits of a great education and the opportunity to grow up in a university town. Ames High Aims High!
Share a high school memory:
Best Memory: The friends and experiences from participating on the AHS Girl's Swimming Team!
Last edited: 2024-03-26 23:42:55

Kevin Allen

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 0
Occupation: CPA
Highlights of your last 50 years:
Finished football playing career with the Iowa Shrine game.
Made last minute decision to attend ISU. Married and graduated. With a BS in Education I was employed by Sutherland School District. Taught Junior High History American Government and was an assistant coach for every sport they had. Divorced and moved back to Ames and enrolled in ISU again. Picked up part time work as an Assistant Football and Track coach as Ames High working with several of my former coaches. Graduated from ISU again this time with a BBA in accounting. Went to work for a firm out of Des Moines auditing grain coops and Community action Programs. Moved to Arizona in 1988 open a tax and accounting practice. Met Patty in 1994 on a blind date and have been together since. Tapering off a little but still working. Kind of like it.
Share a high school memory:
Never forget four of us getting to school as sophomores in Dobson's VW.
The "WE RIDE" motorcycle rally to the Football homecoming pep rally.
Playing and dancing to Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Album over at J Carter's house.
Sitting at the Hallway Bar at NG Mall.
Slow pitch softball and That Place 99 cent pitchers.
And to many more to count.
Last edited: 2024-06-20 09:32:47

Mark Anderson

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: ID
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Retired
Highlights of your last 50 years:
Graduated from San Jose State University in 1981, majoring in Aerospace Engineering. Worked at Lockheed from 1981-1999, operating top secret satellites for the U.S. Air Force. Married Holly Thies in 1992. Earned Masters Degree from University of Colorado in 1999, majoring in Telecommunications. Worked as an Electronics Systems Contractor from 1999-2018, installing high end home automation systems in high end residences in Maui, San Francisco, Napa Valley and Lake Tahoe. I have maintained contact with Steve and Deb Craig, John Craig, Kirk Farrar and Fazeela Walker (Kahn) through the years. Our favorite activities include countless houseboat trips to Lake Powell and Lake Shasta. Holly’s daughter, Tomel, and her husband Lenin (who now have my 1968 GTO) have our two grandkids: Holiday (12) and Elijah (8). We recently adopted two mini-Austrailian Shepard puppies (Truckee and Sierra)
Share a high school memory:
Hanging out in the gravel parking lot at Ames High.
Last edited: 2024-03-01 17:36:45

Glenn Anderson

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: MN
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: IT-SAP/Happily Retired
Highlights of your last 50 years:
Highlights of my last 50 years...let’s just say my path from 1974 to 2024 was not very straight.  

After AHS in 1974 I did what many others did back then, blindly headed off to ISU. While for many this next step may not have been a very blind progression, for me not knowing what I really wanted to do at that point in my life, heading to ISU probably wasn’t the most productive next step. My year can be summed up by saying...I had a fun time at ISU and working at Green Pepper Pizza, but I probably spent too many nights tobogganing at a park near Friley Hall instead of studying. At the end of the school year Iowa State ‘suggested’ I might want to re-evaluate what I wanted to do the following school year.  

The following year I transferred to Bemidji State University located in the northern frozen tundra called Bemidji, MN. Over the next few years, I spent my time; taking classes, dropping classes, adding classes, taking time off, working, going back again, etc. until I somehow managed to accumulate enough credits to finally graduate with a BS in Business along with minors in Economics and Management Information Systems. During this time, I met a woman at Bemidji State and in 1979 we married, and I began my ‘starter marriage’.  

While attending Bemidji State University I worked at Coach House Gifts (they were based in Ames) at the mall in Bemidji.  After graduating from Bemidji State University I transferred to Tucson, AZ to manage a Coach House Gifts store there. I enjoyed living in Tucson, and 100 degrees above zero and cactus sure beat 20+ degrees below zero and snow, but I quickly figured out I did not want to spend my life working in retail.

After a little over a year in Tucson my retail career was over and I moved to San Diego, CA when I accepted an analyst job at a very large defense contractor, General Dynamics, working on the F16 and B1B fighter jet/bomber projects. The San Diego years were...interesting. The weather in San Diego was very nice, and being close to the ocean was fantastic. I was able to spend time at the beach, a lot of bicycling in the area including along the coast in Mexico, and many trips around the southern California area. I also discovered working as an analyst for a very very large defense contractor resulted in very very small defined repetitive boring jobs. Then to my surprise, shortly after attending the 10th AHS reunion my ‘starter marriage’ was quickly coming to an end and it was time for yet another re-evaluation of my life path and friends. 

Less than a week after the 'starter marriage' divorce was finalized, I was on my way back to Minneapolis to start a new job (and pay off my ex’s college debt that I got stuck with in the divorce). Between the mid-1980s and early-1990s I worked as an analyst first at a foundry and then for Valspar paints. It was during the time at Valspar, in an effort to get out of the ‘analyst’ career path (another re-evaluation point), I returned to school and got an MBA at the University of St Thomas in St Paul, MN (yes, even after my convoluted time at ISU and Bemidji State I went back to college and got an MBA, and amazingly finished in the normal amount of time too!). During this time, I met a wonderful woman and in July 1992 I tried the marriage route again.  

In 1996 my career took me in yet another direction when I left Valspar to work in the Ag industry for Mycogen Seeds which was a corn seed company in Prescott, WI that specialized in the early development of genetically modified seeds (yes, Frankinseeds) that later became part of the Dow Corporation. Not long after starting at Mycogen Seeds the company decided to implement the SAP IT software and I was part of the development and implementation project team. Mycogen was the first corn seed company in North America to implement the SAP software. From this point onward I never left the IT/SAP career path.

Between 1999 and 2010 I worked on a few different SAP software implementations, enhancements, and project management at different companies in the Minneapolis and St Paul area. In 2010 I got the opportunity to work on the beginning of a multi-year worldwide SAP software implementation at Cargill which brought me back into the Ag industry. While at Cargill I worked on some of the early development of new SAP software functionality specific for the uniqueness of the agriculture industry.  

In early 2015 I made my final career move when I joined CHS (Cenex Harvest States) which is a farmer and rancher owned cooperative and is the third largest Fortune 500 company in Minnesota. While at CHS I was part of the team that developed and implemented the initial SAP functionality for the finance and procurement related processes, and later the development and implementation of end-to-end SAP Ag functionality for the soybean contracts, processing, and oil refining segment of the business. Because CHS is one of the primary industry leaders in the implementation of the SAP Ag specific software, much of this design and development work was done working closely with SAP on functionality that SAP will roll out worldwide to be used by other companies in the agriculture related industry.  

In January 2024 I made my final career re-evaluation and I decided it was time to retire. So far, I’m loving every minute of it, and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t retired yet!  As for what I’m doing so far in my retirement? I still own the 1955 Triumph TR2 convertible that I purchased in May 1974, and I am in the process of restoring it after letting it sit for most of the past 50 years. On March 1st 2024, the car came back from the body shop and I’m currently in the process of installing the interior and top and will have it back on the road for the first time since 1976 in time for the start of the driving season. 

Between all of this I fortunately didn’t have a second ‘starter marriage’ and my wife Cathy has managed to put up with me for 32 years and we have two children. Our first daughter, Sarah, was born on Valentines Day 1995, and she graduated from University of Wisconsin-River Falls and is working as a Interactive Media Coordinator at Anoka-Ramsey Community Colleges developing video and Web related work. In 1997 our second daughter, Katie, was born. Katie got my theater bug, and she has been in numerous plays beginning in middle school and she hasn’t stopped. Katie graduated from St Olaf and works in Marketing for Special Olympics Minnesota, and she is currently working on her MBA at the University of MN. Fortunately, both girls are living in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, and we get to see them frequently.  
Share a high school memory:
Getting involved in theater. Macbeth, FLIPPED, Guys & Dolls, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, A Thurber Carnival.  A lot of great fun and great people to be around.  Also, a special memorial thank you to Wayne ‘Hank’ Hansen who didn’t know it at the time, but he had a significant positive influence in my life. Thank you, Hank!!!  

Cast party after One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in Andy Orngard's barn. Enough said about that one. LOL

Trading in my pea soup green1965 Mustang 2+2 Fastback for the 1955 Triumph TR2...I’m still not sure if that was a good idea or not???
Last edited: 2024-03-02 07:12:26

PF (Pat, Patty, Patricia) Anderson (Anderson)

Then photo
Now photo
State / Province: MI
Marital status: Single again Children: 2
Occupation: Medical librarian
Highlights of your last 50 years:
I'm the Emerging Technologies Informationist at the Taubman Health Sciences Library, University of Michigan, where I've made apps, comics, a video game; written/published articles, book chapters, and books; taught workshops and built a library collection (with alien and animal costumes!) in a virtual world; 3D printed cool stuff, and soldered chips on circuit boards, which officially makes this the coolest job ever. Her job lets her hangout with the microbiome researchers, precision medicine folk, AI researchers, and get to talk about her explorations in personal genomics. She publishes on social media (especially in cancer communities), online health and search engines, wearables, text mining and tech mining (which are different things), textual analysis, and systematic reviews. In other words, she happily revels in geekery of many sorts. On a personal note, she is very proud of her two wonderful & much beloved kids; sings tenor in the local LGBTQIA choir; writes/publishes poetry & poetry reviews as a side gig; is compulsively crafty; identifies as a brawling broad of budo; and collects graphic medicine (aka health comics), art decks, and edugames. Fun stuff! My current work, art, and life focus on Long COVID.
Share a high school memory:
When I came to the last reunion, health issues causing amnesia had wiped most of my HS memories. Now several have come back, and it's hard to choose! Sitting in the hallway in my hippie petticoats before homeroom opened, passing out candy kisses at Christmas and chocolate drops at Valentines. Hank teaching Nancy Sass how to dance on stage with her arm twisted half behind her back (Miss Jean Brodie?). He was almost twice as tall as her! Standing in the back of the auditorium to check how my makeup jobs looked for Pirates of Penzance. Mr. Buss (German) forgetting my name, over and over again, and calling me Panderson (which devolved into Panda). Al Wiser, the choir director, telling us about his vacation in Germany, describing the beers (one translates into "courage"), and then the rest of the year urging the sopranos to hit high notes with "Take COURAGE!!" My favorite memory might be that crazy party at Nancy Sass's house with Twister, and whispered stories of how folk visited "Genuine John's" while underage and told their parents they were going over to John's (implying John Hansen). That was a revelation to me! Another revelation was the National Merit Scholar crew talking about having hacked the school records and getting the data to show that the smartest kids in the school were also those in the drug scene. Since this didn't include me, I was dubious.
Last edited: 2024-02-24 11:43:51