We Need Your Photos


→ Let's Aim High": Your photos from our high school years are needed for a new video. Our own professional filmmaker, Mark Homer, is putting together a unique video slide show featuring your photos. The video will be shown at the reunion. The video will also be posted on this page after the reunion.


In the video, we'll relive fun times and memories of our high school years, so please send your photos to Mark. You can send party pix, small clippings with strong photos, pix of your outings/adventures with high school friends, UN Trip, ECO trips, dancing, eating at Hardees or King's Food Host, keggers, campouts, class projects, or just goofing around – whatever fun or interesting things you did that you can share from our high school years. These don't have to be from Ames High activities - the personal ones are more fun! So pull out your old photo albums collecting dust and find the gems. Please email your photos to Mark at: homer.mark@sbcglobal.net . or send hard copies via snail mail to be scanned: Mark Homer, 1023 Ross Circle, Napa, CA 94558. Mark promised he will return your photos to you.

After the reunion, in addition to the video, you will be invited to post on this page your own photos of any of our past class reunions as well as this year's. For now our priority is gathering your high school pix.


1974 40th Class reunion group photo at Scheman Building Ames Iowa July 26 2014