Home To Mississippi: The Bradfield Legacy

RSVP: Have We Heard From You?

RSVP: Have We Heard From You?


On March 11th we sent an e-mail Invitation R.S.V.P. to Bradfield Family Members.

RSVP comes from the French phrase "Répondez s'il vous plaît", literally meaning "Respond, if it pleases you." or just "Please respond", to require confirmation of an invitation.

Just in case you missed our e-mail Invitation RSVP or have not responded, we need your help. Are you coming to the 2024 Bradfield Family Legacy Reunion? Let us know by Friday 31st May! Your presence and participation will greatly contribute to the success of this Family Reunion.

Visit the following link below to RSVP and help us to anticipate, plan and prepare our "Mississippi Hospitality" for our family guests in attendance ASAP!

Bradfield Family Reunion 2024 RSVP 

Also, visit the following link below to Register for the Bradfield Family Reunion 2024:

Bradfield Family Reunion 2024 Registration

Thank you very much for your participation and cooperation!

Bradfield Family Reunion 2024 Planning Committee