Everyone Would Really Appreciate Hearing From YOU!   


FIRST, please create a profile here, whether you plan to upload your Bio or not.  We want to make SURE we have your most current info and email address!  (Your contact info will not be shared and will always be kept private!) 
NEXT, please become a part of our WGHS Class of 1972 website community! Catch us up on your life and whereabouts since roaming the halls of WGHS! Briefly catch us up on what you’ve been up to, what you’re passionate about and where you live so we know what our fellow Rams have been up to and the various towns and cities they live in!   
If you’d like to post a “Now” picture that’s great, if not that’s fine too. Either way, if your Senior picture was in the 1972 yearbook, we will add it as your “Then” picture once you have posted your Bio. 


Be sure to check back periodically so you can catch up on new postings from your fellow WGHS Class of 1972 Alumni!   


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Hector Anaya

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After high school I completed four semesters at San Jose City College. During that time I began employment driving straight box trucks for Star Route Contractors.

I married in 1979 which ended three years later.

In 1980 I obtained a California Class 1 driver’s license and drove local and interstate for various trucking companies. In 1989 I obtained an unrestricted California Special Driver Certificate for school bus driving and was hired by a high school district. I also attended a “Pool School” to learn to manage two commercial grade swimming pools for the high school.

In 1998 I was hired by a County Office of Education, and in 2000 was offered state-level training in Sacramento to become a State Certified bus driver instructor/trainer.

I like classic and modern revved-up rock-a-billy, surf-a-billy music, and viva rock-a-billy weekend!

I fully retired in the mid twenty-teens. I continue in my lifelong interest of atomic age cars and trucks. Typically I associate with an American Truck Historical Club in Nipomo, California. In the mid 70’s I began riding street motorcycles and continue to enjoy pleasure riding in motorcycle rallies and poker runs.
Let’s Ride!
Please feel free to contact me at 831-783-1137

Merle Axelrad (Axelrad)

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After graduation in 1972 I headed east to New York and Cornell University. I later attended UC Berkeley and the Architectural Association in London. Armed with a BA in political science (so useful!) and a Masters in Architecture I joined the workforce as an architect in San Francisco. I worked on some interesting projects, including buildings at Skywalker Ranch, a Disney theme park, and student housing for CSU Humboldt, During the recession of the early 80s I took some time off and fulfilled my mission of being a ski bum, working at a lodge in Alta, Utah. I married in the late eighties, and when I was eight months pregnant we moved to Sacramento. I adored being a mother and focused mainly on that for the next few years. A baby quilt was the catalyst for much less traditional fabric-based art that morphed into an actual career as a full-time artist. I consider myself a retired architect, but I doubt I’ll ever retire from being an artist. You can check out my work at
The hubby and I went our separate ways a few years back. We both continue to have a close relationship with our son. He lives in SF, so I can get my City-fix whenever I need it. I continue to love skiing and missed it during the pandemic. But I’ve got my pass for this year!
Congrats to all of us who have made it this far with reasonably good health and prospects!!! Personally, I plan on living well into the middle of this century.

Carolyn Mountain (Bridges)

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Quick summary of life after Willow Glen
1972-1974. Stanislaus State (Turlock). Lived in a migrant house in an
orchard and also on a dairy farm
1974-1976. San Jose State, BS Business
1977 First Job in the Mortgage Business
1974-1978. Married, no children. Still in mortgage business
1978-1981. Single Again. Mortgage business
1978 Backpack trip to Europe - solo
1979 Backpack trip to Morocco - solo
1981-1998. Married again 3 fabulous children. Still in mortgage
1998 Single again and have stayed that way
2004. Back pack trip to Ireland - had company
2007 Jamaica Trip- employer sent me as a reward for my
accomplishments then they went out of business due to
the mortgage meltdown market shortly after

2008 Trip to Japan - Suitcases this time. Still in Mortgage
2011 Trip to Italy and Morocco - solo too many suitcases, yep
Mortgage business
2011-2018. Living in San Jose and working in the "you guess"

2019 - present. Moved to Northern Colorado. (Loveland CO) I just started a new position with a community bank to open up a mortgage department for them this year. This will be the last job. I will retire at 70

Since I moved to Colorado I have been going through my second childhood. I love kayaking, fly fishing, hiking, biking and snow shoeing. I did downhill skiing for a few years but decided that was too much work. I like to go to the shooting range with my Sig Sauer 938-22. I bought a small and cute 13 foot camper that I pull with my 2017 Ridgeline. Just put solar on the camper. My next big camping trip will be South Dakota to Custer Park with two other sisters and the only brother in law left standing.

Bucket list items are trips to Spain and Norway. The classic cruise to Alaska. Also lots of camping trips in the USA.

I have 3 beautiful grandchildren. Everyone is still in CA so I come out at least 4 times a year now and will do more so after retirement.

I will keep plans loose, however, who knows what adventures are awaiting.

Thanks Gordon Herscher for the very nice lunch recently which made me re-think about attending the reunion.

I look forward to seeing everyone and catching up.

Greg Brown

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My greatest accomplishment was convincing Arlene Peterson to marry me. We became an item in 7th grade, and we are still happy after 46 years of married life!

One of our daughters is an interior designer/architect and the other is a medical doctor. We have a six-month old grandson whom we adore. He has Arlene’s friendly disposition and my big head. We are blessed in every way. As Pearl Jam sings, "Oh, I'm a lucky man, to count upon both hands the ones I love..."

After high school, I went to Stanford, where I earned my BS and MS degrees in Engineering.

I started my career at a Silicon Valley R&D center, where I managed engineering design and industrial robotics, as well as a worldwide technical training program.

I left industry to help start The Tech Museum. I created “The Tech Challenge,” a project-based learning program designed to engage young people who may not see a future for themselves in science or engineering. The program is now in its 36th year and still going strong.

After that, I was the Director of Education at Resource Area For Teaching where I created hands-on science and math activities.

These days I am busy as a consultant, writing curriculum, designing hands-on science activities, and coaching teachers in K-12 education.

Camping is my favorite vacation activity. On other trips, it’s been great to experience famous museums around the U.S. and Europe.

But having someone like Arlene to share all this with is the best thing of all.

Terri Ford (Buckalew)

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I took a year off after graduating before going to the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. After that I had a 30 year career as a freelance graphic designer. I met my husband in my 30’s and after dating for a few years we married both for the first time at ages 36 & 37 and have now been married 32 years…no kids of our own but love our nieces & nephews.

Between 2000 & 2005 I transitioned from graphic design to fine art and have been working in pastels since then. I have taught my own workshops all over the US and in France, most notably Paris, Giverny and Southern France. I am looking forward to resuming travel again after Covid. We remain in the Bay Area with no thoughts of relocating.

It will be great to see everyone at the reunion. I have always appreciated being kept in the loop!
Thanks so much for that!!

Kathy Carlsen

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Greetings :-) I'm guessing many of you - like me - are wondering where the heck 50 years have gone!

My first steady job out of college was managing an insurance and real estate agency in Gardnerville, Nevada while living in the beautiful Sierra Nevada's for 5 years in Alpine County - a very rural area 25 miles from South Lake Tahoe. Moved back to San Jose in 1982 and have been a self-employed business owner since.

In college I studied to be a physical education teacher but after short stints as an assistant gymnastics coach at Gunderson HS and a teacher at a private gymnastics club in Los Altos, I was cured of that goal ;-) In the meantime I had summer jobs in high school involving finance and became very interested in real estate early in college so became a licensed Realtor in 1982 (am still licensed) and in addition to that in 1984 started up a General Contracting firm that I was at the helm of w/ my business partner for 26 years. Our company built cellular sites throughout California, Oregon and Nevada for all the major cellular carriers. Being the business owner I had the flexibility to have my kiddos with me at our office, was able to work from home when needed and happily volunteered in each of their classrooms weekly at Booksin Elementary. When we moved to Almaden, I stepped into the role of advisor for the Bret Harte spirit squad cheerleading performance team and oversaw the meshing of a great group of talented athletes who it turns out took 1st place in their National competition in LA all the years they competed.

I continue to be an owner/manager of multi-student housing properties adjacent to the Cal Poly campus, so I get to spend time in friendly San Luis Obispo, and about 16 years ago I pivoted away from cell site construction to developing residential, commercial and multi-family real estate projects in San Jose, La Jolla and San Diego which created the opportunity for me to spend lots of time in sunny San Diego!

My favorite things….my wonderful hubby who I've been with for 16 years now (he's a recently retired veterinarian - he owned Scotts Valley Vet Clinic for 25 yrs) and my fun, active & talented son and daughter who are my "everything" :-) their spouses AND with my “keep you young at heart and on your toes" Grandkiddos!! 2 to 8 yrs old, who I ADORE. I continue to enjoy time spent in the mountains, on lakes & rivers, camping, boating, fly fishing, water sports, being at the ocean (especially in Maui over and over), gardening, music, hanging out with friends and traveling worldwide and all through the USA. Right now I'm focused on reaching my goal of traveling all 50 US states. 48 down, 2 to go :-)

Update - we just moved from Sonoma County to sunny Fallbrook, CA in San Diego County and bought a home and property with 2 acres of 350 avocado trees. Suddenly Charlie and I are farmers ;-) My healthy 93 year old Mom is still living in the house I grew up in WG but will soon be moving in with us in San Diego.

Take care all - I look forward to reconnecting with everyone at our 50th reunion!

Nancy Turpin (Cater)

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Still trying to get settled after another international move! Lots of projects to get done on the house we bought, and paperwork to get through.

( Important Note- to all my friends that my ex cut me off from, So Sorry!!--only realized that was one of his controlling behaviors that started way back then.)

Have been married to a wonderful man Stephen, for almost 19 years now. Anyone who remembers my dad- he's very similar actually. Calm, kind, and patient.

We lived in Ecuador for 9 years after he retired at 62...with 6 months of living in Chile(didn't care for it). We moved from Ecuador to Lake Chapala area of Mexico a few months ago...bought a nice big house that we live in with my daughter.

I have 2 step-sons close in age to my daughter, both married, and we have 5 grandkids. 4 in WA and 1 in FL. Of course, we've had numerous cats through the years, and moved 2 from Ecuador to Mexico with us!

If anyone wants to contact me feel free.

Vicki Leisses (Clay)

Then photo
My life, education and employment after WGHS has been a journey:

AA West Valley College 1975 studied interior design & sociology
UCSC 1975-76 studied sociology
SJCC 1977-78 AA degree in Dental Assisting, RDA
Worked in the dental field as an office manager for 3 years
Was a Jazzercise instructor 1981-87
SJSU 1982-85 BA in Psychology
In 1984 after hosting for new condo sales part-time for 2 years I obtained my Real Estate license.

I have enjoyed my career as a Realtor primarily serving clients needs in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties for 38+ years. I recently joined Christie’s International Real Estate - Sereno. They are a great, community service oriented company. I’m excited to be part of the Sereno family.

Keith and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary in Jan ‘23. We met in the Cancun, Mexico airport in 1982 - a fun story. Keith is an amazing husband and partner. We enjoy playing golf weekly, daily walks, traveling, gardening, and playing games together (Rummikubs anyone?) Keith is an engineer and CEO/owner of Dynamic Engineering.

Currently I love being the “gamma” of 2 very special grandson’s: Harrison 3 years and Lucas 1 year the end of Sept. I am very fortunate to be able to spend time with them weekly as they live nearby. Both our daughters and their husbands: Nicola (36) and Mike (parents of the boys), and Kirsten (30) and Jared (dog parents of sweet Ruca) live within 10 minutes of us.

I carve out time for my love of art and creativity as often as possible. While in college I discovered the joy of stained glass. At 50 I started watercolor classes and love painting in my studio and with friends. About 1O years ago I found mosaics and have made many, plaques, stepping stones and
Garden art.

Cheryl Park (Cragin)

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After graduation I went to college … many of them. I started at USC and lasted about a semester before the smog got to me. Long story short, I majored in Biology and Psychology and got advanced degrees in Molecular Biology and Organization Psychology. I worked for Battelle at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories in the Biology and Biotechnology departments before going back to grad school. When I finished, I went to work for Boeing Aerospace and Electronics, then Pasteur Merieux Connaught, then was lured back to Boeing corporate just before the merger between Boeing and McDonnell Douglas. I retired from Boeing in 2009. My husband is an aeronautical engineer and, after 30 years managing leading edge technology departments, took a job as CTO for a tiny UAV startup in the town we now live in. That’s when we bought the property that became our vineyard. When the company was acquired by Boeing he retired and we went into fulltime growing grapes, cherries and pears, and making wine.We still grow grapes, cherries and pears, but sold the winery .. not so much into retail. We have 2 children and 4
grandchildren and two giant Leonbergers.

Becky Duncan ( skinner) (Duncan)

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Married and divorced twice. Living in committed relationships almost 30 years. 5 kids. 5 grand kids. 4 great grand kids. Real estate is my passion. Rv camping and pontoon boating as often as we can been in idaho since 1992

Michael Elich

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50 years? How is that even possible… HA.

Let's see, brief sojourns to SJCC and UC Riverside led me to New York City and The Juilliard School.
After four years training and working with extraordinary artists; the mid 80’s were primarily filled with on camera work in numerous commercials and voice-overs.
Since then I’ve spent the last 35 plus years acting in dozens of Regional Theatre's across the United States with tours in the UK. Twenty-one of those seasons I was a resident company artist with The Oregon Shakespeare Festival. It was here that I met my wife, the wonderful actress, Robin Goodrin Nordli. We currently live in Ashland, Oregon.

I’d like to give a shout out to Joe Parker, Willow Glen High School drama teacher and director. He passed away many years ago. His school productions, staged in the cafeteria/theatre, were the first steps of a professional career I’m grateful and proud of. It was his early guidance and direction that set that stage. Thank you, Joe. Carpe diem.

Kenneth Elmore

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Humboldt State University Sociology BA
Married to Cathy for 27 years
I like dogs, gardening, and pinball

Gary Genovese

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After 72, I went touring all over, went to Bali, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Amsterdam, Italy was a bit scary the Red Brigade had just kidnapped the President Aldo Mauro and the military were all over the airport with machine guns around there necks. Then first time in Hawaii was in 1977. Just loved it there bought a 2 bdr, 2 bath for $77,000. I left there to move back home a bit. Got a job at Odwalla juice, good company to work for. Then moved to help bring Naked Juice to Northern CA. Until I moved on to Stanford Blood Bank drove the blood mobile bus to companies for blood drives. Then San Fran. Blood Centers of the Pacific called me to work for them. Stayed there until I got my 2 week paid vacation to Thailand and Laos, and my last day leaving Lao I met my future wife in the Duty Free shop there, she was the only employee who could speak English well. We changed numbers and info and when I got home couldn't connect to her she changed companies and got a new cell number. So after a month I got a post card from her explaining it all. Her name is Chaisavahn which means heart in heaven in English.
Been living in Hawaii since 2010, before that, I was living in my home I built in Laos, Where I met my beautiful wife and we have been married for over 20 years now. Since 75% of all fruits and veggies are grown by Laoation farmers here on Oahu. I got some land and I am growing green tea and Mulberry tea. On the N. shore here.

Cherielyn Ferguson (Gunderson)

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After graduating from Willow Glen I went to Santa Clara University, graduating with a BA in theatre arts. Then on to San Jose State for an MS in cybernetic systems, which seemed like a good idea at the time. After that I:
• Worked as a programmer at Moore Systems in San Jose where I learned I was not a programmer
• Went to New York to take theatre and voice over classes and audition—I have a head shot to prove it
• Married Tom Ferguson, brother of a Seattle-born SCU theatre department classmate
• Lived in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh; started family with son Greg in Philadelphia
• Moved to Piedmont, CA and enlarged family with birth of Elizabeth
• Was stay-at-home mom until about 2003, but during that time did voiceover work and started Soft Furnishings, a home-based interior sewing business where I made slipcovers, pillows, curtains, etc., and poked around in local community theatre
• Entered the outside-the-home workforce in 2003 to work in office management and HR at a San Francisco energy consulting firm and at the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, also in SF
• Retired from the foundation at the end of 2020

Now I spend my time writing plays—between August 2022 and February 2023 I will have had productions of one-acts and short plays in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Colorado.

We have three granddaughters to visit in Brooklyn and Queens, and we’ll head back east again in December to welcome our daughter’s baby—the first grandson. We also visit Seattle often to see Tom’s large extended family.

See you all on Saturday!

Mike Halloran

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Hard to believe that it's been 50 years. So much has happened…

I've been a musician all this time, sometimes full time; other times doing something else to make a living. During the late '80s–mid '90s, I toured extensively through Europe and the USA singing and playing guitar etc. and was the principal bassist in a few local orchestras. A stroke ended my performing career in 2009 but I still sing and even play thanks to high tech. Otherwise, I'm recently retired from ASCAP but still direct choirs and praise bands for local churches as well as running a small recording studio.

Been married to Sylvia since 1979. We enjoy the company of our daughters, Marjorie and Julia, and our sons-in-law, Steven and Nick. Though not yet blessed with grandchildren, we are hopeful.

Many of you knew my brothers and sisters. We lost Patrick (Class of '73) in 2021. My brothers Sean ('74), Peter ('76), sisters Mary Kathleen ('77) Margaret/Peg ('78) and Sheila (Lincoln '85) are all doing fine.

Sunnyvale is home these days with no plans to move but I still own the San Jose Victorian house that was home to many a basement party in high school. Good times!

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in September!

Mike Halloran

Donna Alpert (Hansen)

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After earning a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, I had a 30 year career as a licensed therapist, and retired 4 years ago. My husband Marco just retired from a career in the electronic music industry, and between us we have four children and four grandchildren. We live in Fair Oaks and we both enjoy music: I play viola in a string quartet and a community orchestra, and Marco plays baritone saxophone in a sax quartet. We also enjoy international travel, art, cooking, gardening, and spending fun times with the grandkids swimming in the pool, biking along the American River bike trail, and kayaking in nearby Lake Natomas. Most of my family lives nearby, including my 95-year-old mom, which means lots of family time together. Life is very full and very good.

Denise Dowd (Harker)

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After high school I worked as a make up artist for an LA based boutique, met a musician, and we were married in 1976. After traveling a bit, started a family right away. Four kids later, three boys and a girl, my life was about play groups, baseball practice and games, and cub scouts for many years. I loved being a stay at home mom. After a divorce, I went back to school for a short time and entered the workforce. I started with a small manufacturing company, then a medical office and finally a friend convinced me to join her at Applied Materials. I had always avoided high-tech. After 6 years there I joined NetApp after a brief hiatus. That was in 2004 and I'm still with the company managing a team of great people in the corporate education organization.
Ken and I were married in 2000, and I inherited another daughter. in 2004 we moved from San Jose to Gilroy.
I am a self-taught, life long learner, have taken many seminars, classes and read many books. I am active in leadership in my church, mentoring and sponsoring and serve the homeless in Gilroy.
In addition to my career, I am a business owner; I help people how to not let an old person into their body! I've always been passionate about health and wellness, and have a certificate in naturopathic wellness.

We have 2 amazing grandchildren and see them several times each week. My family is my greatest joy!

Wishing you all health, wellness and blessings!

Sheryl Hawes

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After high school, I attended San Jose State University with an emphasis in Physical Education. After a severe knee injury competing in gymnastics, I could not play sports any longer. After working a bit, I realized I really liked accounting and finance, so I changed direction and ended up graduating from the U.C. Berkeley, Haas School of Business. My Dad and his mother, and my sister all graduated from Cal, so we have quite a family history there.
10 years ago, I retired after 30 years with Pacific Bell, now AT&T. I had a great career in Supplychain, Logistics and Strategy, and IT Program Management and Implementation. Since retiring, I have enjoyed some wonderful travel opportunities to India, Kenya, France, England, Steamboat Springs and this year, Switzerland and Yellowstone Park. I enjoy spending time with my Mom, aunts, cousins, Dad and family, high school and work friends.

Roy Hernandez (Hernandez)

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After WG High I went to UC Berkeley, received a BA, Honors in Arch and MA Arch & Urban Planning. Berkeley was tough, but I loved every minute of it. (I was on the admissions committee that admitted Merle Axelrod to the MA program.)

After graduation, I worked at a Design/Build company in San Jose, designing/building many of the largest industrial parks in Silicon Valley, Chuckee Cheese Corporate facility. Then I went to an arch firm in San Jose doing various projects: renovating St. Joseph’s for the Pope’s visit, facilities for SJ State, County Transit, County Hospital, office buildings in downtown, Safeway’s stores, several large housing developments, and houses for the rich. Then I joined IBM San Jose as an architect and construction manager, became an expert on Computer Aided Design for large architecture, engineering and construction projects, and wrote the first book on the subject. (I went to Harvard GSD for some education first . . .)

In 1984 I was part of the first team of US athletes to ever train in China, 4 months in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. (I was a nationally ranked martial artist in those days . . .)

I was then recruited by IBM’s HQs Marketing Group where I supported their largest clients in the world, from west of the Mississippi to Asia. It prepared me to start my own Systems Integration firm with my brother Sergio. We’ve done projects for government in 27 US states, Canada, Asia and the Middle East. In business for 34 years, we’ve had significant success garnering local, national, and international awards for our work. I’m still working, and not sure when I’ll retire.

Eleven years ago, I started a non-profit to provide financial support and mentoring to low-income women, BIPOC and LGBTQ students studying architecture and planning at UC Berkeley. I have gifted $100,000 in financial support, cars, hardware and software tools to students so they can compete/succeed at Cal. It’s been one of the most gratifying and rewarding things I’ve ever done.

I also started publishing BYDESIGN the same year, an online magazine highlighting the achievements of Women/BIPOC/LGBTQ students, educators and professionals.

I have 3 amazing children, all successful in their respective careers -- with a consciousness for social justice and consideration for the environment. And I have a precious 2-year-old granddaughter.

My hobbies are traveling to architectural significant locations and martial arts, which I’ve been doing for 52 years. (See pic taken at 65.) I’m currently writing on book on IT, the good, bad and the ugly, I’ve seen in 34 years, and how to do it right. Have been lining in Santa Monica for 30 years -- a mile from the beach, it’s tough : ]

Becky Barker (Hughes)

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After graduation I went to work at Barnes Hind Pharmaceutical in Los Gatos to earn money for college. In 1974 I attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah and majored in Youth Leadership. I supervised Survival Treks for the summer and this led me to Southern Utah.

I became the program director at Zion Lodge in Zion National Park. My brother and two sisters and I sang and entertained in the restaurant there and had a lot of fun! I met my husband in Zion and we were married for 23 years and had three sons.

In 1984, I started teaching Kindergarten at the small, rural Elementary school in Springdale. I did not have my teaching certificate so in the next four years I went back to school and finished my Bachelor and Master degrees in Elementary Education...all while teaching half-day Kindergarten and raising three boys. I taught K, 1st and 2nd grades and music to all of the students K-6 in the 36 years I taught there.

In 2003 I lost my husband to Melanoma. This was a very difficult time for me but with the help and support of family and friends I was able to make a good life for my sons. I continued teaching and also drove a commercial shuttle bus in Zion National Park. The two full-time jobs were overwhelming at times but gave me many sweet experiences and opportunities!

My sons all married and have families of their own. I have 8 grandchildren...7 boys and 1 girl! They are one of the pure joys of life! My sons are Joe - Water Superintendent for Springdale...Jeff- Electrician...Jared-Police Officer. Such wonderful people!

2020 was an amazing year for me. I sold my home and property in Springdale in March...retired in July...fell in love in married in September and bought a home in Hurricane, Utah in October! we live in Utah part of the year and Washington part of the year and can be close to both of our families! Life is good and has excitement and possibilities no matter how old we get!

I will always treasure my time in Willow Glen and the life long friendships and memories I have.

Patty Humecke

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NOW: I happily retired five years ago from Applied Materials in Santa Clara. Jim and I now split our time between Los Gatos and Rancho Santa Fe (north San Diego county). The move to RSF is recent (May) and we are enjoying exploring the restaurants, beaches and cultural activities that the area has to offer. My mother(99 yrs old) still lives on Sweetbriar Drive where we grew up, so I’m in SJ regularly to be with her and catch up with friends. I also love spending time with my nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews. I am on the Board for Star One Credit Union and also for the Los Gatos Morning Rotary.

THEN: After graduating from SJSU with a degree in Business Management, I worked at Lockheed Martin for 20 years, then moved to Applied Materials for 17 years before retiring in 2017.

Whether traveling for pleasure or work, I’ve had great vacation karma. Personal travel has included several trips to Europe, including a month-long trip to France and Italy when I retired, a month-long trip to Zimbabwe and Zambia (hosted by the first president of Apple, yes, really), trips to Brazil, Costa Rica, Caribbean, Egypt, Turkey, Croatia, Hungary, Nova Scotia, Canada, and too many trips to Mexico and Hawaii to count.

While at Applied Materials, the business I supported took me to China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. There wasn’t as much sightseeing on those trips as I would have liked, but I enjoyed the people and culture nonetheless.

I am happy to say that the group of friends I met after transferring to Markham in 1968 still gets together when we can: Cathy Martin McKeever, Claire Filice Furtado, Kathy Allen Amaral, Monica Butera Farnsworth and Becky French. We were so saddened a year ago with MelindaJohnson’s passing, but we celebrate her each time we get together.

I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone at our 50th!

Leota (Lee) Kuzma (Jett)

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After graduation I attended SJCC and SJSU. My teaching career started at Independence High School (full-time) and Evergreen Valley College (part-time in the evening); teaching Automotive at both for many years. A few years ago I retired from the ESUHSD after 39 years; working as an Auto Shop teacher for 21+ yrs, then as a counselor, head counselor and vocational counselor. I'm proud to say that they have since named an Auto Shop in my honor. I’ve been happily married for 30 years and although I never had children, I have enjoyed my part in raising 3 "adopted" kids (long story) and 2 step-daughters, who have given us a total of 14 grandchildren. My husband and I cared for Mom for 20+ yrs until her passing (just 5 days short of her 103rd birthday) and then we both retired a year later. Recently we left the WG home I was raised in and have moved to my husband's hometown where we are enjoying the smalltown atmosphere and our view of the Carquinez Straits. Hobbies/Entertainment? Gardening, raising a rambunctious puppy, watching the grandkids grow up, reading, Bocce Ball, beachcombing, crafts, get-away weekends with good friends, traveling, and chasing dust bunnies.

Linda Alexander (Kamuf)

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Well here it is the DAY of the reunion and I haven’t completed my Bio! Well, in a nutshell, I’ve lived in Central Oregon for 35 years after relocating from San Jose. I have been a Critical Care Nurse/nurse manager for 41 years and retired in May 2020. It was time, and COVID was just too overwhelming. I remarried in 2007 and, together, Bob and I have led an “action packed, fun filled” life. We enjoy camping, rafting, hiking, road trips, fly fishing, bird hunting, trail riding, and our horses, dogs, and goats, 7 years ago we sold the “big house” in Bend and moved out to our smaller, OFF GRID, home near Prineville, Oregon. We downsized from a 2700 sq. ft. house to roughly 1200 sq. ft., and I’m STILL trying to get rid of stuff! We still have our three horses and two dogs, all who are well into their senior years. Sadly, with the price of hay spiraling upward and me becoming less able to physically manage the goats, I am in the process of dispersing most of my herd. It has been a wild ride for over 20 years, but it’s time. Between the two of us, we share 4 children and 5 grandchildren. They are spread far and wide and we don’t get to visit them very often. Gratefully, through the magic of FB and Instagram we are able to follow their endeavors and watch them grow. That’s about it. Looking forward to visiting with you more this evening.

Cathi M Leeming (Klein )

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This is harder then I can say. My life has been satisfying. Married three times and finally after TJ passed ( going 120 miles per hour) He set me up for the rest of my life
I've living in Idaho it reminds me every day of San Jose when we were teenagers
I am in a very good relationship for the last 7 years. Again one surviving and thriving

Marilyn Johnson (Lapachet)

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In high school, because I loved Mrs. Coffey’s class so very much, I wanted to become a math teacher. I changed my career path shortly after graduation. I would go on to attend De Anza College After high school, I married and then welcomed two children, Nicole and Justin. In 1979, I attended the Regional Police Academy at San Jose City College. After that I worked for Santa Clara County Transit, on patrol. Though I loved my position, I chose to leave after several years because my children were so young and the job was a dangerous one. I then attended the Paralegal program at Santa Clara University. I joined the legal field and spent the next 15 years as a paralegal. Though my job was interesting, I missed law enforcement. I would go on with my education and received a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Eventually, I went back to law enforcement as a 911 dispatcher. This was the job that I was born to do. I retired from law enforcement in 2014. I am married to William Johnson and live in the Bay Area. Both of my children have married and are both very happy. Nicole works for a local City’s fire department and Justin is a Civil Engineer in Southern California. I have two adorable grandchildren, Nicholas (4) and Siena (2). They are my world. Nowadays I enjoy visiting them, gardening, cooking and baking and spending time with family and friends. We hope to move to SoCal in the near future to be close to the grandchildren and enjoy daily life with them.

Eileen Pollock (Locatelli )

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Cathy McKeever (Martin)

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After graduating from WGHS in 1972, I went to SJSU. I met my future husband Ken McKeever my first year there. He graduated WGHS in 1971 although we didn't know each other then. We dated for four years, and were married in 1977. Luckily we were able to buy our home, that we still live in 45 years later, just a mile from the high school.

We raised two wonderful daughters, Melissa (39) and Molly (34). Proud of all their accomplishments over the years, we were very involved in their sports activities, especially softball. They were both pitchers for their Presentation High School team and played years of travel ball. Ken was always their coach and I was their score keeper! Both our girls played softball well into adulthood, and actually Ken, Melissa and her husband, Chris are currently playing on an adult league team.

Our grandchildren have been a beautiful blessing in our lives, Camryn (17), Maddy (16), and Easton (6). I also have to mention my little dog, Hansy, who I couldn't live without! And of course we are all very involved in coaching our grandkids softball and baseball teams over the past several years. They bring us so much joy, and we feel so fortunate to be their Mimi and Pa!

Ken worked as an electrician and I worked at St. Christopher School in Kindergarten and first grade while our girls were growing up. After we both retired we have stayed extremely active with our family and friends. When we are not out on the ball field, I enjoy gardening, knitting, crocheting, reading, but mostly we're on the ball field! Sometimes Ken and I go fishing off the Capitola wharf which we both grew up doing as little kids.

I don't know what I'd do without the great friendships I've had since elementary school to the present time. We all refer to ourselves as "the girls". Becky French, Claire Ann (Filice) Furtado, Patty Humecke, Kathy (Allen) Amaral, Monica (Butera) Farnsworth, and of course, Melinda Johnson ( Who we lost last year to cancer). We've all supported each other through all our ups and downs and will continue to do so as the years go by. We love one another dearly and are lucky to have been able to share our lives together. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 50 year reunion.

Cathy (Martin) McKeever

Milton Matchak

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After graduating from high school, I attended San Jose State University, graduating in 1977. In my sophomore year of college, I met and fell in love with Cindy; we have been married for over 46 years and I love her more now than ever. Throughout my young life I was always a worried and inwardly troubled guy. I tried to run from it by drinking, immorality, and living life my way. I knew I was wrong but was too proud and arrogant to live any other way. Cindy, who was already a Christian (albeit a backslidden one), encouraged me to give my life to Jesus. I resisted, but my inward turmoil grew worse and more debilitating; I certainly was making a mess of my life. In 1977 I finally surrendered to Jesus and asked him to come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. The Bible promises that “to as many as received Him [Jesus], to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” (John 1:12.) That was the start of the greatest adventure of my life. I was slow to change but as I read the Bible and heard sound Bible teaching, God worked in my heart to love Him more and myself less, and trust Him more, and myself less. I still struggle with pride and self, but God continues to change my heart and my life.

After 24 years in the grocery industry God allowed me to fulfill a dream and go to law school and become an attorney, passing the State Bar in 2000. In 2002 I became a prosecutor and spent eighteen and ½ years as a Deputy District Attorney for a California foothill county. I have just very recently retired from that position. I hope to continue using my abilities as an attorney to serve the Lord and help others in constitutional law and/or First Amendment law.

God has been gracious to give Cindy and I nine children (one daughter and eight sons) and eighteen grandchildren. God allowed us to homeschool our children for almost all their young lives, and all have become successful in their respective endeavors. Through all the trials and challenges in our lives God has been with us and given us victory after victory. Jesus promises to never leave us nor forsake us and that has been true throughout our lives and marriage since coming to Christ. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is in John 19:30 where Jesus says, “it is finished.” He paid for my sins, and I’m forgiven.

It is my sincere desire that every one of you who may read this brief and simple bio would come to know Jesus as your personal Savior, if you have not already done so.

Laura Merritt

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Seems like the 2017 reunion was just yesterday. It was nice seeing everyone. That was a time of freedom when I was traveling quite often. Spring training for the Giants (avid Giants fan) in Scottsdale with side trips to Grand Canyon and Sedona. Also trips to the Pacific Northwest and Europe. Drove across France & Wales with my Canadian cousins, toured England & Wales with their music choir. Absolutely loved the countryside in both France & Wales with all the small towns and villages. Of course, the onset of Covid changed traveling for many of us.

My target date to retire was October 2020 but the California Wildfires hit. Since then, work has consumed my time and kept me from retiring. Since September 2020 I have had crews on the LNU, Glass, SCU, CZU, August, Hopkins, River, Jones, Mendocino Complex, Cache, Caldor, McKinney and now starting cleanup on the Mill Fire in Weed. I am the Program Manager for a Northern California zone for the Phase 1 cleanups as a Contactor for Department of Toxic Substance Control through mission tasking from California OES. It is my deepest wish that we get control of the Mosquito Fire and don’t have any new fires. I have a new target date of December 2022 to retire and plan to stick to the stop date. It is humbling to see people lose everything and makes one realize how fortunate life is just to have a home.

I am single with three children and eight grandchildren. My Daughter is a Section Chief within the federal government. She has property in the Sierra’s and has been busy making it fire defensive and constantly doing interesting improvements. My oldest son is in plumbing, also lives in the mountains, has six sons and is partner in a fishing guide and lure business. My youngest son is in law enforcement, both he and his wife (a nurse) are first responders and have demanding schedules. So, I keep busy as back up for helping with school drop off and pick up, baseball, swim team practices, games and meets for my two grandkids that live just a couple of blocks away.

I love spending time at the ocean with my two dogs Gracie & Maverick. My kids and grandchildren come to the cottage in Capitola so there is a balance of family and adult time. I love the ocean air, walks and hikes on the coast in the mild weather compared to the heat in the Sacramento area where I live.

Love blues and country music, small towns in the Sierras and searching for indie dyed fibers as I am an avid knitter. I am looking forward to retirement to be able to visit my homeland of Canada and spending more time doing volunteer work I have been involved in. Planning a trip to Scotland in 2024 and hoping to watch my daughter compete in the Scottish Highland games while there.

I didn’t sign up for the reunion because I wasn’t sure what was going on with my schedule, since things have been changing daily at work. But if anyone gets together before or after the reunion let me know or post on FB. I will be in the Capitola area.

Mark Millan

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Like you probably, I’m glad to be alive through these chaotic years. During which, I’ve been married 35 years and recently celebrated with a trip to the Grand Teton’s and Yellowstone Park. I have two beautiful daughters and a tech savvy son. And became a grandfather just this year with TWO more on the way later this year. A Wonderful treat!

About 25 years ago I founded a PR firm called Data Instincts. We have specialized in public outreach/communications for recycled water projects helping to develop new water sources in dry arid areas, like California and the western states. That turned out to be a surprisingly good idea, especially with the reoccurring droughts and wildfires many of us have been experiencing of late. I have since worked on dozens of water projects all over the U.S. and have advised on projects in other countries.

I still love to travel and write. I share a travelogue at:

And like a few other WGHS grads, I still love dabbling in music and film. My brothers and I own a publishing company named after our mother, called Ellie Mae Music. We started this in Willow Glen in the 70’s. You can see our videos and albums at: During Covid, I produced an album with Tim Prince. It’s a collection of original recordings of songs I wrote when I was 18ish and into my early 20’s. Tim did a great job of making it sound way better than it actually was. I know some people knitted or read books during covid, we played music.

That’s it for now - Best to all!

Richard Mitchell

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After leaving Willow Glen High School in 1972, I started my undergraduate program in biology at Kresge College at UC Santa Cruz. With its focus on “humans and their environment”, Kresge – and UCSC, was a wonderful place to earn my BA in biology.

Leaving UCSC in 1976, I started in a graduate program in microbiology at the University of Iowa (I was interested in virology and immunology at the time) – but my graduate advisor was not granted tenure, so I had to decide whether to stay at Iowa or start in a new program. I chose to start a new microbiology program at the University of Minnesota, completing my PhD in Microbiology in 1983. From there, I went to The Salk Institute for Biological Studies for post-doctoral training and finally – returned to the Bay Area in 1986 to begin work as a Sr. Scientist at California Biotechnology Inc., in Mountain View, cloning genes for growth factors like vascular endothelial growth factor and acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor – for wound healing and cancer therapeutics.

While in Mountain View, I went to a Stanford Children’s Hospital Valentine’s Day charity dance in San Francisco, where I spied my future wife Diane in the crowd. I was too chicken to directly approach her, went outdoors to the balcony for a while, then returned to the dance floor where I found her again! As Diane was a DVM, just graduated from UC Davis, and I was a molecular biologist…our first conversation was strangely about frogs (frog slime is loaded with magainins - natural antibiotics…and her last patient that day was a frog, which she had to inject with an antibiotic, and of course, she beautifully illustrated the challenge of injecting a slimy frog trying to leap out of her hands while she was starting the injection). I was hooked (okay…for more than just the mutual interest in frogs, I admit).

It was pretty clear we were destined for each other, and by the end of the year – December 31st actually, we married … in 1988. We soon decided that the Bay Area was a bit crowded and expensive for our taste, so we moved to Woodinville, Washington (25 miles east-northeast of Seattle), where we still live on a 2 ½ acre lot in a 1-story ranch-style house.

In the next phase of our lives, we had 3 sons, Scott (1993), Eric (1995) and Jonathan (1998), all now living in the Corvallis/Albany, Oregon area. Scott is in a PhD program in ecology at OSU, Eric is working on an organic farm, and Jonathan is in a PhD program in Bioengineering (computational biology) also at OSU. We enjoyed a lot of camping, backpacking, XC skiing, canoeing, and hiking with them throughout their time in Woodinville!

Diane has continued as an associate veterinarian, likely working for another year or two before retirement. She is crazy about Border Collies and competitive sheep-herding (it’s a thing!), so we have 3 Border Collies and 3 sheep at home (for training purposes)…and one cat.

After leaving California for the Seattle area, I worked for about 15 years for a pharmaceutical contract research company, managing their molecular pharmacology assay development group (cloning genes that encoded receptors and enzymes that are targets for new drug discovery and development), and traveled a lot to Taiwan/Japan and some to Europe in that role (we had major laboratory sites in Taipei and in Geneva). I then went to work for a company developing nasal spray pharmaceutical products – but they went out of business after I’d been there a few years, so I then went to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, where I was Director of Business Development for 8 years, helping to start companies based on discoveries from the scientists at Fred Hutch.

I finished out my career working for 3 years for a company in Vancouver BC as VP Marketing and Business Development before retiring when I turned 66, in January 2020. I continue to have an interest in photography and woodworking but spend a lot of time these days near home (COVID, climate change) doing home maintenance and dismantling kids’ forts, chicken coops, and dealing with our home’s biomass (trees!).

If you're curious, you can see some of my photos at

Ron Moritz

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Right out of high school I went to Nevada to work at my Uncle's Feed Store. Then I came back to San Jose to work at my Dad's Auto Repair Shop. I lived in Campbell for 10 years before buying my Ranchette in Gilroy. 1990 I went to school to learn the Farrier Business. Moved to Aromas 2001 and still a Horseshoer and loving the way of life. Still riding Motorcycles & been known to fly a Helicopter from time to time

Jeri Mortimore

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After high school I headed to Iowa to complete a four-year Bachelor's degree in theatre then a Master's in counseling from University of Missouri-Kansas City a few years later. I got married, had two daughters, and spent time living in the Pacific Northwest, including three years in British Columbia, Canada.

Recent years are more interesting! I became single again in 2012. One daughter lives in Texas and the other is in Montana with her husband and my two adorable grandsons. I skipped out on full-time work for a couple of years to take care of Grandson #1 in Laramie, Wyoming, then came back to Vancouver, Washington in 2017. In August this year I retired--not soon enough, but isn't it the BEST?

My career was spent in nonprofit management, including time as an executive director and director of development. Most of the work has been in the field of behavioral health. I've grown passionate about social justice, and because of that I volunteered to facilitate our agency's diversity, equity and inclusion committee during my last year of work. That was perhaps the most challenging work of all. I'm grateful for the relationships in my life that have stood the test of time, and look forward to renewing acquaintances from fifty years ago!

Joanie Schuller (Nelson)

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I graduated from Pacific Lutheran University in 1976 with a degree in Social Work. I’m part of a group of five of us from PLU that have been getting together annually since 1994 and as we always comment, it’s a priceless gift!

Within a couple of years of graduating from college, I decided to try a different career path that included sales and event planning. That took me through to May of 2020 when I was able to retire.

My eclectic career has provided many great experiences along with lifelong friends. The 80’s included being a Media Buyer at an advertising agency and Marketing Director for San Jose Cleveland Ballet. In the 90’s I worked at Great America selling and executing corporate events. The 21st century took me to Santa Clara University where I did events for the Law School (my favorite of all my jobs) and the Engineering School. Another great aspect of being at SCU was working with my lifelong friend (and fellow 1972 WGHS grad) Marie Lagattuta Brancati.

I married my husband, Larry Schuller, in 1988 and we have two daughters, Amanda who was born in 1989 and Molly who was born in 1994. Both daughters were raised in Willow Glen and Molly graduated from WGHS in 2012. A fun coincidence when Molly attended WGHS is she played Ado Annie in “Oklahoma!” in her senior year just like I did. Some of the 1972 cast attended the show and Kathy (Radcliff) Mathis was nice enough to host us at her Willow Glen home for an “after show get together.”

Another benefit of working at Santa Clara University is if your children apply and are accepted, the tuition is free. We were blessed twice when both of our girls were accepted and graduated from SCU.

After retiring in 2020 we sold our Willow Glen House and a rental house we had in Healdsburg and moved to Lincoln, CA to be closer to our youngest daughter who was getting her Masters Degree at CSU Sacramento. We are living in Sun City Lincoln Hills, a 55 plus community. (What?! We’re 55?!) Our oldest daughter, Amanda, lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and our first grandchild, Atreus (Uh-tray-us – yes, it’s unusual!) and he just turned one in August. We were fortunate to be there for two months when he was born. The whole family will be visiting us for Thanksgiving this year and to attend Molly’s wedding on December 3rd.

For fun I’m a cat Mom, like to go winetasting, cheer on the 49ers, attend live theater and musicals, read and walk.

Grateful for many blessings in my life and being part of the WGHS Class of 1972 is one of them! Looking forward to seeing everyone on September 17th!

Bev Horner (Newgren)

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Following high school I graduated from SJSU. I worked for Santa Clara County Office of Ed. for 37 years. The better part of those years I worked with families and their babies birth to three that were at risk for developmental delay. I retired in 2015. I was married and had a baby girl on our first anniversary. We added a baby boy to our family a couple of years later. We primarily raised our family in the Niles area of Fremont although we moved to Willow Glen in 2003. I faced some difficult years after our move. My husband was diagnosed with a degenerative disease (FTD) that he passed from in 2010. In the midst of his disease I suddenly lost my 24 year old daughter. I have moved to Capitola and spend my days walking my dog, reading, and loving the perfect weather. I just ordered an electric bike to add to the mix. I have a fairly large group of friends and family that I enjoy short getaways, longer vacations or just visits at each other’s homes.

Sent from my iPad

Debra Peterson

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After graduation, I took some time off and eventually decided to become a Medical Assistant, which led to becoming an Orthopedic Technician. I worked at Kaiser for several years, and then started moving around a bit.

I lived in San Jose, Campbell, Springfield Oregon, Austin TX, and Oceanside, CA.

In 2003 I returned to Campbell and decided to do what I love most for work. I have been a Massage Therapist since 1993 and it was time to work in that field...leaving medical clinics and hospitals behind.

I worked at Indian Springs in Calistoga, Sonoma Mission Inn and Spa in Boyes Hot Springs (Sonoma), and Watercourse Way in Palo Alto.
Currently I reside in Monterey and enjoy part time employment with Bernardus Lodge and Spa in Carmel Valley.

Since the love of my life, Peter Anderson, was killed in a hit and run motorcycle accident one night after he closed the bar he owned in Willow Glen (Lancer's).... I have remained single and have no children.

I've loved Monterey and Carmel for many years and feel very fortunate to live here and enjoy a peaceful lifestyle.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our reunion!


Arlene Brown (Peterson)

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In 1976, I married my high school sweetheart, Greg Brown, and we are still happily married after 46 years. I also began work as a chemist. My degree in biochemistry from U.C. Davis led to a career at Syva Company in the medical diagnostic field. By 1978, we moved into our first home in Willow Glen. Greg and I had good jobs, worked hard, and had fun vacations. We toured Europe, cruised the Caribbean, and traveled throughout California.

We had two daughters, Kate and Sarah. On summer vacations we went to Olympic Park, Lassen, Tahoe, Yellowstone, Glacier, Yosemite, Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Banff, Jasper, Washington DC, Vancouver, Chicago, New York, Paris, London, and Italy.

My second career as an elementary school science teacher began in 2002. My students loved labs, hands-on learning, field trips, and science camp. I retired in 2019 just prior to the pandemic. After retirement, we took a memorable trip to Bryce, Zion, and Grand Canyon.

During the time most couples downsize, we decided to upsize and move to my parents’ former home in 2005. We just finished remodeling this home.

Greg and I are truly blessed. We have two beautiful daughters, Kate and Sarah. Kate is married and is an attending physician at UC Davis. She and her husband just had a baby (our first grandchild) this year. Sarah is a Cal Poly graduate in architecture and does interior design/architecture work in San Jose.

WG Class of 1972 Connection Fun facts:
1. Joe Wickersham moved across the street from us for a few years.
2. Our daughter was randomly assigned to be freshman roommates with
Emily Brandt’s daughter at UCD. They remain great friends.

Kathleen Mathis (Radcliff )

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Went to SJSU 1972-1976
Graduated with a BS in nursing
Worked at VMC til 1978
Worked in the Intensive care nursery at Kaiser Santa Clara 1978 -2016
Union rep there for 20 years
Second job Santa Clara Children's Shelter
Married 1978 single now
One son Michael
Daughter in law Amber
2 grandchildren Jackson 4 Rory 1 1/2
Love being a grandma
Retired to Brentwood 2017
Still sing in a choir here in Brentwood
Belong to Delta Community Center and Soroptimists International
Love my life and new neighbors

Carol Roseblade Barron (Roseblade)

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After graduation I attended San Jose State University for about 6 weeks. I thought I would be an artist. I also thought I would be an actress, a fashion designer. Needless to say, I did not achieve any of these dreams.
I was married for a minute. Tried it again 10 years later with basically the same results. Although I have 2 amazing children from that union. My daughter moved to Nashville a few years ago and is loving it. I had plans to retire there but life got in the way. My son was in Arizona working towards his PHD when he was diagnosed with lymphoma, so he came home to receive treatment at Stanford. Happy and proud to say while he was in treatment, he received his PHD in Anthropology. He is now teaching at Mission College and Gavilan College.
I always liked numbers, so I went to work for a CPA firm. One of the clients was a dental group so I dove into the health care pool without knowing a molar from a bicuspid. I developed my own management style and continued in the field for 32 years. I loved the work and the people, but MS and a hip replacement told me it was time to retire. So, I spend my days reading and writing. Kind of like high school only at my own pace and I always give myself an A.
Since I only connect with other alumni through Facebook, I look forward to seeing you all in September.

Klina Schatz Allen (Schatz)

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Howdy Classmates of '72!
Like so many, I too attended SJSU, married George Allen - Senior year "sweetheart", finished with a BA at Sacramento State in '77. George and I have been together (do the math) for 51 years, married for 47 this past July. We celebrated on an Alaskan cruise, one of our favorite ways to travel. It was a beautiful but brief respite from the Texas heat!
We are both retired and enjoy visiting our children and our 3 grandchildren, ages 11, 9, and 7. Oldest lives in Austin, youngest two in Argyle. Charlotte was named after my mother, "Mrs. Schatz", some of you may have had at Markham. She seems to have the artist gene that skipped me.
This year marked 32 years in Texas-but I'm still a California girl at heart. Miss the mountains, ocean, and friends from the past. Can't wait to see how much better we look! Will treasure the memories of Willow Glen forever, just hard to believe it's been 50 years!!!

John Shortreed

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Carol Sveilich

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I am currently living in San Diego and have for the past 40 years. Paradise found. I retired from my previous career as a college counselor at UCSD and am now an author!

I've written three non-fiction books -- two self-help books and the last book is a memoir on growing up in San Jose's Willow Glen area during the 1960s. It's titled "Reflections From a Glass House: A Memoir of Mid-Century Modern Mayhem." You'll probably recognize a lot of the "hot spots" mentioned in the book and identify with some of the Willow Glen High shenanigans.

I also write articles for magazines, including CA Modern Magazine for The Eichler Network. I currently have an article in the new issue on the topic of Wienermobiles. Hotdog!

I spend my time trying to learn more on guitar and piano, watching films and streaming series, spending time with friends in San Diego, and trying various art projects. Come visit San Diego and give me a shout!

I will miss seeing all of you at the reunion this time 'around. So sad I can't make it this year. Take good care everyone. --Carol

Cindy Skrivanek (Taylor)

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I moved to Vancouver, WA in 2018. After WG, I attended SJCC and graduated from SJSU. I worked for the phone company and Lockheed Missiles and Space before I worked for 20+ years for a semiconductor company in Silicon Valley. My 2 kids are married and still live in the Bay Area. We enjoy retirement here in the PNW and try to visit SJ at least twice a year.

Terry Teeters

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After graduating from WGHS, I went to Colorado University, Boulder on an Air Force ROTC scholarship. After my sophomore year, with the Vietnam War ending, I lost my scholarship and returned to San Jose.

I studied Laser Technology at SJCC and joined Coherent, Inc. in 1975. There I worked on almost every type of laser from low powered HeNe’s to high powered Industrial CO2. I moved to Quanta Ray, part of Spectra Physics, Inc. in 1981 working on high energy pulsed lasers. While there, I moved into manufacturing engineering. I left Spectra Physics for Syva Company to diversify my manufacturing engineering skills in their Instrument division (therapeutic and illicit drug testing).

In 1983, I married Kathryn (Kate) Howard, and she still hasn’t divorced me! We never had any children but have fostered (and kept more than a few) cats and kittens.

In the 1990's I worked for KLA Tencor, Inc., then Lam Research as a senior NPI manufacturing engineer, managing multiple new instrument introductions. While at Lam, I finally received my BSBM, yay! I also had the opportunity to work for Kaiser Electronics, helping develop the multifunction displays for the F-22 fighter.

In 2003, we made some huge changes as we moved from the Bonny Doon (Santa Cruz mountains) to Honolulu, HI to open Kele’s Coffee Roasting Company, LLC. I roasted all the coffee and made all the desserts. The shop was a critical success, emotionally satisfying, and never lost money. I’ve never worked so hard! In 2008, I sold the business and returned to the bay area.

I’m now retired and living happily in Pine Grove, CA. I feel blessed that I can still ski and now live close enough to Kirkwood to ski multiple times a week! Last year we took up Ski Biking in addition to normal downhill skiing. Also, we’re still able to use our tandem bicycle to go on adventures.

Karina Dundurs (Viks)

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I know everyone is saying where has the time gone? I keep thinking other people have 50-year reunions, I can’t possibly be there yet.

My career started in keypunching (dated myself right there). It was the beginning of a long IT and business career from working in industry to becoming a professor. While working, I realized that I enjoyed computer design, training and project management. This lead to receiving a degree at USF in business management … 10 years after leaving WG. I just didn’t know what I wanted to study. My MBA followed later.

In 1980, I married and after 25 years divorced. I have a son (34) and daughter (31). No grandchildren.

Between my children being born, I started to plan on how I could be home with them and still work. I started my own business in corporate IT and business training, as well as working at De Anza as associate faculty. In 1996 I started a full-time career at West Valley College. I just retired from both colleges in June.

As some of you have seen on Facebook, I am an avid traveler. I have had some amazing adventures including Habitat for Humanities in both Nepal (most memorable) and Argentina. I have visited approximately 40 countries. Just got back from Alaska. If you have not been there … go. It is a beautiful state.

As of 4 years ago, I moved to Chapel Hill, NC. I am close to the mountains and beach, as well as cultural events in D.C. and NYC. I am also a golfer (slight addict) and this seems to be one of the meccas for golf.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

Brad Vroom

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After getting my degree in Finance, I dabbled in real estate sales and restaurant management before working at Atari as a Financial Analyst in 1980. In 1983 I joined Apple Computer where I worked for 34 years holding various Finance Executive positions focusing on change management and restructuring business units. I especially enjoyed presenting the Apple story of innovation at conferences, business schools, and executive sales briefings for Enterprise, Government, and Education.

My wife Laurie and I have been happily married for 40 years. We live in Almaden, and have two daughters. Our retirement life so far has consisted of traveling, spending time with our daughters and friends, and trying to make the most of the COVID lockdown by cleaning every square inch of cabinets and closets, and working on every home project known to man or any other life form. Glad we’re getting back to normal.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!

Barry Vroom

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I received my B.S. in Business Administration from Cal State Univ, Chico in 1976. After college I returned to San Jose and worked in the restaurant business and on the side, played a little music at bars and weddings with my brother Brad for a few years before embarking on a high tech career in Silicon Valley.

I started working at National Semiconductor in 1979 and spent 12 years there in various production/business planning management positions. I also met the love of my life there. My wife Jinny and I married in 1986, had a daughter and a son, and then moved to Folsom in 1991 where I worked at Intel for the next 15 years in various business/supply chain management, system development, and mergers & acquisition system integration program management positions. We moved to England in 2000 for a year and a half when I took an expatriate assignment responsible for the system integration of Intel Europe acquisitions. We lived in the village of Woodstock near Oxford. It was the greatest adventure we've ever had as a family!

I left Intel in 2007 and started consulting. I established my independent IT consulting company in Folsom and spent the next 14 years managing IT and software development projects for various state agencies and private companies in the Sacramento area.

Jinny taught elementary school for 18 years in Folsom and we both recently retired in May 2021 and are loving life!

Debbie Chiappe (Wales)

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Bio: Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Margaret Neikirk (Wildblood)

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I married my life long love a year after graduation and we will be married 50 years in June of 2023. Moved to Seattle in 1976 and then down to Vancouver Washington (working in Portland, OR) in 1978 and have been here ever since. Had two biological daughters, adopted my niece and one of our grandsons still lives with us. Have a total of 6 grandkids (3 girls, 3 boys) Ages 25 22, 10, 5, 3 and almost a year. Started working for the Title company 2 weeks post graduation from WGH and it's been a wonderful career. To the point where I'm still working and not planning on retirement until at least 72 (and then we'll "see") - I love what I do and they pay me well to do it so why not. I also run a 501(c)(3) Horse Youth Ranch in Brush Prairie (in my spare time) where I keep my three personal horses (2 of which work in the program with the kids) and still love to trail ride (though don't show as much as I did - play "show mom" for the students instead) and spend every Tuesday afternoon with my three youngest grandchildren that live closer than the other set. Ron and I travel a lot and are on a mission to hit all the major league baseball parks in the country (have 7 left to go). We are rafting down the Colorado river in the Grand Canyon this summer and will once more head to Alaska to visit friends for some fishing (and a wedding) as well. We have a condo in Kauai and spend a month in the spring and a month in the fall there (working remotely has changed our lives in a big way!). So life is very good. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky! Because of work and existing travel obligations I probably won't make it to the reunion but want to wish EVERYONE a great time!

Ellen Johnston (Zorychta)

Then photo
Now photo
After high school, I attended and graduated from San Jose State University with a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice Administration, and a minor in sociology. I immediately attended the police academy and afterward became a Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputy. After three years of that, and a slight blow to my idealism, I left. I take my hat off to anyone who can stay sane in that profession while being good at it.

Then came working for a number of years as a legal secretary before starting a surgical product distribution company and a surgical instrumentation production company with my then husband, Terry. This was lots of work, but we were fortunate in that they were both very successful. Terry and I eventually went our separate ways back in 1998.

After a year of stepping back and assessing what I wanted to do next, I decided to pack up and move to Bellingham, Washington in October 1999. It’s been a great decision. Bellingham wasn’t an unknown to me as my parents, and several of my friends were already ensconced in the area.

Just about six years ago, I bought a house. It’s been fun getting it just to where I want it, inside and out. And, being retired, gives me ample opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of living in the pacific northwest, and enjoying gatherings with friends and family.

I’m most fortunate in that my mother is still on the planet and lives about six miles from me. She’s still living on her own and just had yet another stellar annual wellness exam. Her doctors are always scratching their heads that at 94 she’s still active and sharp as a tack.

I continue to enjoy excellent health and am ever grateful for my family and friends. I hope to have many more years to look forward to.

It’s been a wonderful ride.