of our


We dedicate this page to the memories of our beloved fellow classmates 

who sadly have gone before us 


"Those we love don’t go away,

They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear"

- Author Unknown


Tony Aguirre; Robert Allman; Roger Barrett; Cenayda (Barrios) Rosenthal; Linda Bickerton; Jim Birlew; Rick Browne; Mark Bull; Kevin Carroll; Tom Castaneda; Paul Castoro; Kathryn Clark; Dee Cunningham; Dante DeAmicis; Timothy DeMaria; Lori DeVilbiss; Greg Dion; Gary Elner; Mike Filice; Daniel Foust; Alba Gafford; Ursula Gigiel; Jaylene (Gould) Rentie; Stephen Gum; James Jones; Melinda Johnson; Kevin Jones;  Marilyn King; Rocky Langone; Barbara (Ludviksen) Osler; David Levine; Chet Lunares; Patrick McGowan; Susan (Green) McMurtry; Blaine Merritt; Patty Monteleone; James Osler; Alan Porter; Rhonda Purwin; Debbie Reno; Don Schott; Ricky Snowden; Mark Taylor; Doug Thibault; Scott Veltman; Linda Waite


We're very sorry if we've missed listing any fellow classmates on this memorial page



Kindly contact us regarding any classmate who should be memorialized here