Sorry You Couldn't Make the Reunion!

Hello to our "Couldn't Make the Reunion" classmates! 

We're sorry if you were  unable to make the Reunion but it's easy to stay connected and be in touch with others! Simply create a profile and add your Bio, which will give you access to contacting others and vice versa!   

Just follow the steps below:       


1) Join the website (below) 

Forgot password


2) After creating a profile enter your Alumni Bio!   

Help us get up to speed on your life and whereabouts since roaming the halls of WGHS!  Briefly catch us up on what you’ve been up to, what you’re passionate about and where you live so classmates can learn how their fellow Rams are doing and the various towns and cities they live in!   If you’d like to post a “Now” picture great, if not that’s okay too. Either way, if your Senior picture was in the 1972 yearbook, we will add it as your “Then” picture once you have joined and/or posted your Bio. 
Be sure to check back periodically so you can catch up on new postings from your fellow WGHS Alumni!


3) If you don't plan to post a Bio then PLEASE use the contact form below to send us your updated email address and phone number, and include a message if you'd like!  


(We will continue to always keep contact info private!)