Registration Fees

We've established the registration fees for the adults (ages 13 & up) at $155, and for children (ages 4 - 12) at $60.  There are no registration fees for children 3 & under.  The amount of the registration fees includes the reception, banquet affair, T-shirt and tote bag with welcome packets/give aways. The fee also cover other miscellaneous costs supporting the reunion event.


To pay your registration fee(s), please select the # of fees in each category below: 

28 people are attending this event
Kawanna Bogar
Ciani Bateman
Maurice Love
Sue Love
Freddie Ward
Peggy Rolle
Ruby Riggleman
Eugene Sanders
Belinda Sanders
Ava Palmer
Antonio Palmer
Betty Pierce
Betty bell
Elayne Broussard
Greg Broussard
Chinester (Cookie) Driggins
Angela Sanders
Joyce LEE
Carolyn Bogar
March McKnight
Rodney Bogar
Rose Tillmon
Milton Tillmon
Barbara Kinsey