Fun with Jack and Mac - Classmate Interviews

Did you miss the last reunion?  Or you made it to the reunion, but didn't get to spend enough time with some friends and classmates to find out all you wanted to know about what they've been doing since graduation?  
We've got you covered with our latest class of 1974 memories effort!
This page is where we are creating a video history of the most interesting moments in all of our classmate's time since we went to school together.  
To participate in this project, we want to hear about the highlights of your life from high school until now. 
It’s easy to contribute!

If you want to volunteer to tell your story, or want to hear someone else’s story,
contact Jackson Mumey ( or better yet,
schedule your interview with this link:
You can also contact us from the website using the menus, select Contact and let us know your request.
On behalf of the 50th Reunion Committee, we’re excited about this new opportunity to get to know each other even better and look forward to your contributions!

Click on the classmate's picture or TJ Logo to see their interview.

If you see a textual transcript of the interview and wish to turn it off, look for the "All highlights" at the top of the text window, then click on the double right arrows (>>) to turn it off.  Click to double left arrows (<<) to turn it on.  This may not work on all platforms.


Jackson Mumey, Bob McIntyre and Tracey Mumey Dawson


Class of 1972 Interviews can be viewed by clicking here.
